United Kingdom and Australia Team Up to Tackle Nuisance Calls and Messages

The United Kingdom and Australia are joining forces to combat bothersome automated calls, unsolicited messages, and deceptive voice phishing schemes.

The communications regulatory bodies of both nations, the ICO in the UK and ACMA in Australia, recently formalized an agreement in London to exchange intelligence, collaborate on inquiries, and pursue these global perpetrators through synchronized efforts.

This partnership holds significant weight as a recent Australian study revealed that nearly every citizen (98%!) has encountered some type of nuisance call or text message, with a substantial portion (80%!) experiencing adverse effects.

Both the UK and Australia recognize this as a widespread issue requiring international collaboration for resolution. They are prepared to share data and assets to safeguard individuals from these irritating and potentially harmful communications.

The UKs ICO and Australia’s ACMA are collaborating to address the issue of bothersome calls and messages. Their joint efforts aim to curb businesses from disrupting individuals with these irritating communications.

This alliance is particularly crucial due to the increasing prevalence of online wagering among Australians. A recent ACMA report indicated that over one in ten Australians acknowledged participating in online betting within the last six months. This figure rose to 11% from 8% in 2020, signifying a worrisome escalation.

Author of posts

By Amelia "Aria" Nelson

Holding a Ph.D. in Statistics and a Master's in Epidemiology, this accomplished author has extensive experience in the application of statistical modeling and data analysis techniques to the study of public health issues related to gambling. They have expertise in survey sampling, longitudinal data analysis, and spatial statistics, which they use to investigate the prevalence and determinants of problem gambling and its impact on individuals and communities. Their articles and reviews provide readers with a public health perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to promote responsible gambling and mitigate harm.

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