Renowned animal advocate, Clarissa Baldwin, has accepted a position on the board of a prominent greyhound racing enterprise. This appointment holds special weight considering Baldwin’s extensive involvement with the Greyhound Forum, a group committed to enhancing the lives of racing canines.
The venture, a collaboration between Entain and Arena Racing Company, is thrilled to incorporate Baldwin’s knowledge. The company’s Chair, Lord David Lipsey, commended her commitment to animal well-being and her distinguished career directing canine associations. He stressed the significance of greyhound welfare to the organization and conveyed his anticipation of partnering with Baldwin.
Baldwin also expressed her excitement about joining the board, emphasizing her lifelong dedication to animal advocacy and her particular affection for greyhounds. She anticipates working alongside Lord Lipsey and the staff to guarantee the health and happiness of these dogs, acknowledging their value to the racing industry.
The UKs top three animal protection organizations—the RSPCA, Dogs Trust, and Blue Cross—have joined forces to denounce greyhound racing. They point to the activity’s fundamental and irreparable “severe welfare problems” as justification for their stance. These charities are advocating for a nationwide prohibition of the sport.